Relevancy and relationships: A blog for the ages - for all ages.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Alley Cats forever~

Yesterday, it was very rainy as I was waiting in the long line of cars to pick the kids up from school.  As I sat there, I noticed a little boy eagerly watching a small piece of paper that was floating in the water alongside the curb.  The water was flowing pretty quickly and I could tell he was getting excited about the ride this little vessel was taking.  His didn't take his eyes off of that piece of paper.  I'm sure in his mind it was a fishing boat or a whale or something completely fantastic, and he was watching intently as it battled the ripples it encountered on its journey.  Just as the cars ahead of me began to move forward, that little piece of paper disappeared quickly down the rain gutter and the smile on that little boys face stretched from one ear to the other.  Sheer joy! 

This scene took me back...back to the house on 11th street where my sister and I and our best childhood friends spent countless hours outside, in the fresh air, up and down the alley, playing make-believe.  Our parents trusted us to the outdoors, without supervision, and we were easily transformed into worlds that only existed in our minds.  We climbed trees, made mud pies, built forts, waded through puddles, nursed wounded animals, and practiced cartwheels until our knees hurt.  We were free!  Parents nowadays must find creative ways to give this "freedom" to their children.  Gone are the days when you can allow your children to run around the neighborhood until you call them in for dinner.  But that doesn't mean that the wonder of make-believe has to cease to exist.  Turn off the TV, put the video games away, log off the computer, refrain from signing them up for every team sport, and just let your children have time to pretend.  Allow them time without structure.  It brings me a huge sense of pleasure to watch my children making things up; having endless conversations about things that don't really exist.  Give your children the time and space they need to explore their imagination and you will help them create some of the best childhood memories they will ever have.  Now go outside...I think it's raining. :)

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